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4 hair care tips to rejuvenate your hair in 2022

When it comes to your hair, you may feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Your once-lush locks are now feeling dry and lifeless; your once-vibrant color is now faded and dull, and your once-full mane is now splitting at the ends. Unfortunately, this isn’t an uncommon situation for many of us who spend so much time in the humid summer heat or harsh winter winds. Over time, these conditions can strip your hair of its natural oils, vitamins and minerals, leaving your strands looking dull and dry. While it’s not easy to reverse years of damage overnight, there are several simple tricks that can help revive your hair from the inside out. Edmonton Barber Shop is here to show you how.

Go for a protein treatment

If your hair has lost its luster and strength, a protein treatment may be the ticket to restoring your hair’s former glory. Protein-rich products like shampoos, conditioners and hair masks can be particularly helpful for those with curly hair, as it can help strengthen your strands from the roots all the way down to the tips. Often, these products can be found in the same aisle as hair bleach and hair dye, so you may want to seek out a stylist to help you decide which product is best for your hair type. If you’ve been experiencing excessive shedding, a protein treatment may also be helpful for bringing your best hair Edmonton back. Keep in mind that these products are typically used infrequently, as too much protein can actually cause your hair to shed even more. If you’re experiencing excessively dry, brittle or unmanageable hair as a result of a protein treatment, you may want to discontinue use of the product and seek advice from a stylist.

Try a hair oil

If your hair is feeling extra dry and brittle this summer, you may want to try using a hair oil as a daily conditioner. Hair oils are great for taming flyaways, adding shine and softness, as well as strengthening and conditioning your hair. While these products are typically applied to wet hair, you can also try mixing a small amount with your go-to styling product to boost the strength of your hairstyle. If you’re unsure where to start when it comes to selecting a hair oil, look for products that contain vitamins, which can help nourish your hair from the roots to the tips. Additionally, you may want to select an argan or jojoba oil, as these varieties are especially helpful for restoring dry and brittle hair. You can also try mixing a nourishing oil with your go-to styling product to boost the strength of your hairstyle. At best Edmonton barber shop, we're here to show you what product will work best with your hair.

Add in some vitamins

If your hair is feeling particularly brittle, achy and dry, you may want to boost your daily vitamin intake. Vitamin B, C, D and E are great for promoting hair growth and strength, as well as maintaining a healthy scalp. If you don’t have time to chow down on a daily vitamin, you may want to look for a vitamin supplement that offers the same benefits. You can also try drinking a daily dose of water and applying a natural, conditioning hair mask. If you’re looking to restore your hair’s vibrancy and shine, you may also want to add in some extra vitamin C. This potent antioxidant is known to promote collagen production, which is essential for strengthening and repairing your hair. You can easily add vitamin C to your daily routine by sipping on a daily vitamin water or adding it to your favourite smoothie recipe. You can also try adding a vitamin C hair mask to your weekly hair care routine.

Get yourself a humidifier

If your hair is feeling parched and brittle, you may want to consider adding a humidifier to your home. Humidifiers can help trap moisture in the air and prevent it from escaping into the atmosphere, which can cause your hair to dry out. While they’re often used to help ease the symptoms of asthma and allergies, humidifiers can also help prevent your hair from becoming brittle, dull and weak. If you’re unsure what type of humidifier is best for your hair, you may want to seek out the advice of a hair care expert. You can also look for a humidifier that boasts an additional ionic feature, which can help trap even more moisture in the air and prevent your hair from drying out.

Don’t forget the conditioner

If your hair is feeling extra dry, dull and brittle this summer, you may want to consider adding a daily conditioner to your routine. Conditioners work to nourish and strengthen your hair from the roots to the tips, which can be especially helpful for those with curly hair. If you notice that your once-vibrant locks are now looking dull and dry, you may want to add a daily conditioner to your routine. If you’re unsure which daily conditioner is best for your hair type, you may want to talk to a hair care expert. You can also try looking for a conditioner that offers additional vitamins and minerals, which can help strengthen your hair from the inside out.


Not all hair types are created equal. You can combat dry, brittle hair by adding protein, oil and vitamins to your daily beauty routine. You can also try adding a humidifier to your home to trap more moisture in the air and prevent your hair from drying out. Don’t forget to use a daily conditioner to nourish and strengthen your hair from the inside out. With these hair care tips, you can restore your hair to its former glory. Ready to meet an expert to show your hair and get more tips? Book online with an Edmonton barber near me.

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